Wednesday, 2 September 2020


To continue from MY SECOND SIGHTING OF A POSSIBLE BIGFOOT- I was talking about seeing a large black humanoid object in Part 1 of this particular blog, and I returned to France in 2018 excited about finding more evidence that France is really squatchy. Although my main Bigfoot focus is Ireland and the UK, I am getting more addicted to doing Paranormal research in France and also on Scandinavia and Western Asia inclusively.

My first eyewitness account was interesting as I had seen a large Sasquatch the day after I had been doing tree-knocks in my local ForĂȘt, this was at noon or lunchtime. The sunsoaked atmosphere is very calm and quiet so Squatching in the middle of France is very easy.

Unfortunately I was not able to capture anything interesting with my video-camera and the only good data I captured was with my handheld mobile phone (all in photographs).

The first thing I noticed when entering Montbeil was a birch tree arched over the road in such a way as it looked like it was done by humans, very constructive. The forest-road, which is actually tropical jungle road was waterlogged with plenty of deciduous and evergreen trees around. It was also very hot. I forgot to photograph this but I did find some indents on the road. I found these on the very damp mudroads at least a mile in. This was on the 15th of July 2018

Strange thin canine indents

The ForĂȘt de Montbeil road West

Later I found a very odd stick structure that I thought looked out of place. The sticks were just off the road on the right. They appeared to be like a tepee from the road but on closer inspection they looked more like a Yukon double lean-to. I also got the feeling that this stick structure was no longer used (by whoever made it) and had been there for a very very long time. Not a fun place to get lost at night and unfortunately I did. I was lucky I made it back home on some nights as there are plenty of big green snakes. One night I could swear I was talking to someone who thought I was a bit of an idiot for getting lost but seemed entertained.

Stick structure from the South

The same stick structure looking like a "Yukon double lean-to" from the East

Although I never really saw any Bigfoots or werewolves in those 13 months I still feel like I was getting near something at times. Especially in Winter there in La Vienne and Aquitaine I certainly might of been near something abominable (when the temperature had dropped to a total contrast).

Like in January of 2019 I visited the local library for some interesting photo-books on the history and picturesque-ness of this region. I found a very unusual photograph in an album titled: Le Marais poitevin.

Unlike Northern Europe and the Brittish Isles I believe that France has an unique type of cryptid; the Quagmire. A Quagmire is more adapted to the swamps and green alkaline aquatic and subtropical waters of the continent. Quagmires or Ents are more leafy/pastoral than the Sasquatch or Bigfoot of the arid/thermophilous/boreal zones. Undefinably they inhabit the lush green jungle and pine forests of France and have green hide, coat?, barb and antennae growing from the head/backbone/shoulder. Ents are most unique from the Redwood-dwelling Giant or Bigfoot of the Pacific Northwest. Highly animated the Quagmire is a master of disguise unique, as to be more like the Ogre or Orcish cryptid.

Also I will mention that these creatures are much scarcer if not extinct by now in France than they were 50-60 - 100 years ago when they were first being disclosed. As for werewolves  il just say that screeches and shrieeeks woke me up at night throughout the duration of 13 months and during various seasons I might of seen a stray wolf in our village in January. I have also included a photo of a Praying Mantis chilling in my garden.

Abbaye saint-pierre, maillezais pg 76





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