Wednesday, 8 July 2020


I would like this post to be about important information that I would like to share with everyone about Nessie. Firstly i'll explain why I think this is the gnarliest predator Nature has ever devised. The crescent or triangular pattern on its chest which is silver not white can easily fool anyone into thinking that this is a tall man with long legs and a torso.

I used to believe that this cryptid was a vegetarian that fed off algae in the lakes and I still think its amphibian but it does seem to sometimes snatch livestock like sheep and also ruminants like stray deer from the forests. I believe that if Nessie was a meat-eater much more livestock would be missing from counts. Also most of the livestock are tagged by farmers.

I would like to give a simple and friendly warning to people that there are much bigger things in Ireland than the Bigfoot of the Americas and Yeti of Asia and Siberia. I am saying this because Ireland is an island in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and giants like this can come in from the sea all year round and some of these giants do not do that bad on the land.

So be very careful out there when camping, hunting, hiking or fishing alone. I have definetly seen and been around wurrums and paranormal entities like the Pooka and the Peist. I was camping in the Leinster mountains and I heard a very loud suspended noise that came from the river. I immedietly stepped out onto the trail (about 5 meters wide) and I had my torch with me. I saw a large silhouette with eyes, a mouth and what I reckoned were arms and legs. I put out my campfire and made it across a lumber area down the bluff onto the rocky road. It was the middle of the night and the moon was shining so visibility was there.

Like I described in my previous post from a few years ago I then saw more very strange things after this rather disturbing experience. I thought very carefully about which way to go to exit the wood and I thought I would take the safest way out away from the river (south) back down to the Cloon Woods and Glencree carparks. Taking this route would proove very uncomfortable as I would have to pass the place where I spotted the beastie. I thought it had either went back down to the river or up to the top of the mountain where my campsite was.

I think I might of passed a long necked dinosaur like Nessie which was to the left of me in a gully. I ran as fast as I could past more faces in the trees and was overwhelmed with relief when I made it to the well lit area the entire time playing Rotting Christ out loud on my iPod (LOL). Thats when I saw the UFO's off the coast of Arklow way up in the sky. Like I said the UFO was huge, easily the size of our city, probably silver in colour but to me it just looked like a black rectangle. I was so amazed by what I saw and I stayed for maybe 15 minitues watching the spectacle. It looked like something out of Lego with aeriels and fancy lights projecting from the top. There were also other smaller spacecraft to the left and right of it but they were much smaller in comparison to the mothership.

When I left the spectacle I definetly saw some aliens on the road but I still wasn't out of the carpark yet. I know that there is an electrical current in the curtains of mist that the aliens might use for teleportation but this is just a theory. They looked back at me when I passed them and didn't seem very bothered with me. 

The experience was so intense for me that I seemed to fall unconscious for some time but I remained on my feet. I don't know where I was or what happened to me but I woke up in a different carpark. Very interesting experience and I will never forget how much it felt to have experienced proof of Alien life. Thankyou for reading im Kap from 

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