Thursday, 30 July 2020


"Even more bizarre was a report in the 30th October 1955 edition of the San Francisco Examiner, which linked the American ‘Bigfoot’ or Sasquatch with a sunken Lemuria, suggesting that he was a highly developed survivor of that lost continent!"



According to THE ATLAS OF WORLD HISTORY (Penguin), Man is 600,000 years old. Our closest competitors are Mammals (apes, monkeys, lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, bears, elephants, big cats, bats, dogs, mice, moose, aardvarks, beavers, gorillas, sloths, pandas, hamsters, horses, whales and dolphins.) Mammals are 200 ml years old. However our closest relatives are avian creatures (yes as in Birds.)

Reptiles come third after Mammals and Amphibians come fourth before the Insect Kingdom.

I trust my fathers knowledge as he has read more books than me and has gone through university and has a doctorate in teaching & education. He gave me this book to read and after my mother brought up the subject of the origins of Man, I commented; "Scientists don't know for certain where we came from or what we came from but they speculate and estimate that we transformed from Homo-sapiens (mammals) hundreds of thousands of years ago." 

Or are we directly descended from Birds? You decide!...I'll leave you with this video

Mu is the name of a suggested lost continent whose concept and name were proposed by 19th-century traveler and writer Augustus Le Plongeon, who claimed that several ancient civilizations, such as those of Egypt and Mesoamerica, were created by refugees from Mu—which he located in the Atlantic Ocean. This concept was popularized and expanded by James Churchward, who asserted that Mu was once located in the Pacific.The existence of Mu was already being disputed in Le Plongeon's time. Today scientists dismiss the concept of Mu as physically impossible, arguing that a continent can neither sink nor be destroyed in the short period of time required by this premise.

Rare TV interview: Iron Eyes Cody



By Rob Morphy - May 20, 2020

These vicious, half-shark, half-octopus man-eaters are said to have inspired terror amongst fishermen and scuba divers in and around the blue holes of the Bahamas for decades.

The island of Andros in the Bahamas is the home to a spectacular array of what the natives refer to as blue holes. Formed during the ice ages of the last million years or so, modern researchers have discovered that these blue holes are a vast network of underwater cave systems, which link the Andros’s small freshwater lakes with the Atlantic Ocean.

Ironically, the confirmation of this oceanic passage has lent some credence to the legend of a HYBRID-BEAST, which is said to dwell in these blue holes… a legend known to locals as the Lusca. These ferocious octo-sharks have been described as being an incredible 75 to 200-feet in length, with the razor sharp teeth of a shark and an array of octopus-like multi-suckered tentacles.

Although the few eyewitnesses who have survived Lusca attacks seem to agree that the above description is accurate, there are others who insist that this animal’s appearance incorporates more of a “squid-eel” combination. Either way, the result is a terrifyingly ferocious predator, which one can only assume is equally horrifying in appearance.

Often believed to be an unknown species of cephalopod like the KRAKEN, the FRESHWATER OCTOPI or Octopus Giganteus (akin to the now infamous ST. AUGUSTINE PHENOMENON) these large, sub-aquatic anomalies have inspired terror in the hearts of generations of Bahamian fishermen.

Legend has it that any encounter with this extraordinary beast almost always results in the death of whoever was unfortunate enough to wander too close to its watery lair. This extends not only to intrepid divers who have dared to brave the labyrinthine depths of the blue holes, but also to those unwary souls who stand too close to the shoreline, as the Lusca — much like the AHUIZOTL and EL CUERO — has been known to use its tentacles to drag even earthbound victims to their watery graves.

Onlookers have even described seeing fishermen’s boats suddenly being yanked below the surface of the blue holes, only to watch in horror as the indigestible flotsam of these broken vessels slowly raises to the surface, their captains and crew nowhere to be seen.

This description of a purported Lusca attack has led some oceanographers to suggest that what people are mistaking for this legendary creature’s voracious appetite may, in fact, be a natural oceanic phenomenon caused by swift tidal changes which suck the water back in through the blue holes, resulting in a spontaneous whirlpool.

These sudden whirlpools roll and boil, and almost certainly hold the potential to pull unwary swimmers — or even entire boats — into its churning depths. When the currents reverse, a frigid, mushroom cloud-like surge of water is gushed back into the small lake, which could force the wreckage to the surface.

While this theory may apply to some cases of mysterious blue hole disappearances it in no way accounts for the colossal tentacles and shark-like maws described by eyewitnesses.


Posted by roystokes (Tales From The Ouzel Gallery)


They built a huge wall and stemmed the waters of two rivers; the Liffey and the Kings River. Both had joined at Baltyboys and cascaded into the dark pool near Ballymore Eustace, known as the Devil’s Hole – Pool a Phuca. Legend had it, that a large monster swam in the pool, and was blamed for the strange disappearances of men and beasts over centuries.

Some truth to the old story, but more to the one that began to be heard after the flooding, and is as follows.

The Pookas not only lurked in the pool below the huge waterfall, but dwelt in the deep holes, between it and where the two rivers that had joined at Baltyboys. They were not the evil, shape-shifting goblins suggested by the name given to the lake, ‘Poulaphuca’, but were large pike that grew to monster size, after the surrounding land and villages were flooded in 1940.

Although strong in lore, the monster that had dwelt in the Pool was never described, and is believed to have vacated downriver during construction of the dam. Not so however, for the newly formed lake.

Waterfall into the Pooka Pool (Poul a Phuca)

All man made reservoirs seem to do it. They present a scene that somehow is counter intuitive for those who have lived through the flooding – we know it shouldn’t be there. We can’t explain why, but it leaves a sense of foreboding with some. We have interfered with nature – will there be a price to pay?

The more northerly and westerly ends of the lake, nearer the large town of Blessington and its waterborne activity centers, straddling the busy road that passes along its shore, from Dublin to Wicklow, and on to Wexford, gives it a, ‘part of the here and now’, feeling. The more southern and less accessible parts of the lake, from Vallymount, through the old townland of Monamuc into Blackditches can seem remote.

On an overcast day, with a cold north wind whipping whitecaps down the lake, it will whine through the pillars under the Valleymount bridge, on down into the hidden bay at the mouth of the Kings River. This is quite a different part to the lake.

People have described how, having crossed over the concrete bridge constructed by the Electricity Supply Board, in order to provide access to Valymount after the flood, an eeriness and a coldness is often felt. It is a place that the sun leaves early.

When the land was first flooded to provide the reservoir for Dublin city, a strange phenomenon developed. Land insects moved, and aquatic creatures began to grow and grow. The trout got bigger, the fry got bigger, until they developed an organism that was the death of them. The population of natural trout returned to their smaller size, and then just finally disappeared. Efforts have been made from time to time to return game fish to the lake, but failed.

The course fish grew in numbers and size. After they finished off the remaining trout, they ate each other, and just kept growing. Ordinarily, this cycle would just continue to produce large fish, but the large Pooka pike that had already dwelt in the holes near Pool a Pooka, began to reach enormous sizes.

Stories of missing farm animals were soon heard. Small lambs, piglets, fowl and pets, began to disappear from where they were last seen along the lake shore. Then anglers began to report large pike being caught. Some reported as between 20-30 lbs. These were not the Pookas. The monster pike were those that fishermen had hooked but never seen. They knew they had caught and enormous fish, but never got it in.

Instead, it was consistently reported that they believed their line had caught around the remnants of trees, and had just come fast. Occasionally, it was reported that the boat (engines were not permitted on the reservoir) were ‘dragged around the lake’. Then there were stories of attaching the line to an ass, or a small horse, in order to pull the monster out of the lake. Only, the poor animals were reported to have been dragged into the lake, and never seen again.

The stories of missing animals are associated with every dangerous or forbidding waterway. The stories of missing people are not so prolific, but they too exist, and regretfully so. Pool of the Pooka or the reservoir lake at Blessington, also has its stories. But when the disappearances of animals began, after families had moved from their dwellings before the flood, many in the more southern end of the lake were spooked by the new sense of remoteness, and some left altogether.

Whether it was the whaling, known to carry at certain times, from the ‘cage’ or jail at Marlfields House from long ago, or the squeals of the piglets from the lake shore, when darkness descended around Blackditches, Monamuc, and Ballyknockan, doors were shut up tight.

The house, Marlfields, was erected as a hunting lodge by the La Touche family. It was built on the banks of two small brooks close to eastern bank of the Kings River, overlooking the ancient way to St Kevin’s in Glendalough. The area was popular for wild fowl, and the river produced beautiful brown trout. Some natural trout remain in the river today.

Marlfields & Pen Field before flood

The Kings River became known for its crayfish and mussels, and gatherers have discovered a number of fresh-water pearls there through the years.

Closely connected with St Kevin’s, and the pilgrimage road that passed through, this area has had more than its fair share of archaeological discoveries; tombs, crosses, stone circles, dolmens and so on.

Series of straddle stones adjacent to ruins of old 

Not long after Marlfields was built, some hunters, while resting for lunch at nearby Granabeg, experienced a remarkable occurrence. One, just quite suddenly, disappeared below ground. An underground chamber was discovered, and after the men climbed into the chasm, they followed a stone sided tunnel until they reached a large stone chamber.

Invisible above ground, the chamber had a ‘stone chest’ within, with a very large skeleton in it. Some artefacts were recovered; a ‘rusty spear, bronze headpiece, and a pea helmet’, and were carried back by the hunters to Marlfields. They stayed the night, and left the next day, the artefacts remaining with the owner.

Descriptions of this find, do not match any of those in the archaeological inventory for that area.

Local people assisted gentlemen to revisit the tomb on a number of occasions, but were unhappy disturbing what was apparently the grave of a very important chieftain.

The hunting ceased with the approach of 1798, and Robert La Touche of Harristown, became a Colonel in the Yeomanry, his father John also served. Neighbors, Captain Brown, at Humphreystown, was also enlisted. Said to have been responsible for placing the huge ‘stepping stones’ (Captain’s Steps) across the King’s River, below Robert’s hunting lodge.

Underwater now, this was the old tree-
lined road from Blackditches-
Marlfields to Captains Steps, and 
crossed the Kings River

A band of militia with a bloody reputation, history has it that they chased and fought with the rebels around the Wicklow mountains. Those caught, were imprisoned in a cell or cage at Marlfields. Lore also recalls, that the rebels were flogged and tortured there.

In a bold attack against Blessington and north Wicklow in 1798, Joshua Holt, a protestant leader of the rebels, eventually overran the place and burnt Marlfields House.

Once, ‘a big slated house’, the lodge was reconstituted and downsized to a smaller thatched house, and housed various local people thereafter. Quins lived on the site, and were the last people there before the flood, and passed on their lore, in, ‘Beneath the Poulaphuca Reservoir’.

Marlfields or what became a local dwelling, was not affected by the ‘flooding’ but was deserted for some reason and became a ruin.

[It must have been the case that as well as compulsory purchasing all the land that the water would rise to and cover, an additional margin strip around the perimeter was also purchased and fenced off to secure the reservoir area.]

Ruined building at Marlfields and small walled ‘cell’.

If Quin was half right, it is strange irony then, that soon after, Peter La Touche and his wife Elizabeth had negotiated with Lord Powerscourt and arranged for General Holt’s surrender, and assisted the family’s transportation to Australia.

Ruin of Marlfields & site of Pen Fied by Google Earth

In the summer of 2018 there was a long drought, and the level of the lake fell to an unusually low level. During a canoe trip on the lake in August, the author paddled by Baltyboys and Vallymount, to the place called the Pen Field.

What was once Marfields House, is now reduced to a couple of blocks above the ground. The overgrown ruins, consists of what appears to be three dwellings or buildings. The one furthest south was apparently substantial and has the walls of a small room or ‘cell’ attached.

Normally submerged, the area was fully exposed for about a hundred square yards, and dry. It was originally accessed by a small road from Valleymount, and is situated a short distance to the north of Marlfields. The remains of a number of small dwellings were visible, surrounded by the trunk and roots of what were once, large oak trees, as was the old road back to Valleymount.

Exposed ruins of Pen Field. (See scattered mussel shells)

Amongst the roots of a hefty old tree trunk, lay the remains of the Pooka in the picture. A very large pike, he appears to have been hooked at one time, as a line of gut led from the fish, and was wound around the remains of the big tree trunk a number of times.

The angler had lost the Pooka, and despite the monster’s enormous teeth, he succumbed to a Wicklow oak.

On reflection, it is easy to see why the pike might have grown so big there, even after the diet of lake birds and piglets became scarce. The receding water of 2018 exposed an abundance of fresh-water mussels, scattered over the exposed lake bed – mostly opened, and the flesh gone.

Pookas, or is it Pooki, have many descriptions. Despite having strong association with Ireland, it would seem every country have their own versions of similar boogy creatures; small evil people, mischievous goblins, luring shape-shifters, and so on. A recurring feature that runs through the tales of these malign creatures is, their ability to appear as man or beast.




Wednesday, 8 July 2020


I would like this post to be about important information that I would like to share with everyone about Nessie. Firstly i'll explain why I think this is the gnarliest predator Nature has ever devised. The crescent or triangular pattern on its chest which is silver not white can easily fool anyone into thinking that this is a tall man with long legs and a torso.

I used to believe that this cryptid was a vegetarian that fed off algae in the lakes and I still think its amphibian but it does seem to sometimes snatch livestock like sheep and also ruminants like stray deer from the forests. I believe that if Nessie was a meat-eater much more livestock would be missing from counts. Also most of the livestock are tagged by farmers.

I would like to give a simple and friendly warning to people that there are much bigger things in Ireland than the Bigfoot of the Americas and Yeti of Asia and Siberia. I am saying this because Ireland is an island in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and giants like this can come in from the sea all year round and some of these giants do not do that bad on the land.

So be very careful out there when camping, hunting, hiking or fishing alone. I have definetly seen and been around wurrums and paranormal entities like the Pooka and the Peist. I was camping in the Leinster mountains and I heard a very loud suspended noise that came from the river. I immedietly stepped out onto the trail (about 5 meters wide) and I had my torch with me. I saw a large silhouette with eyes, a mouth and what I reckoned were arms and legs. I put out my campfire and made it across a lumber area down the bluff onto the rocky road. It was the middle of the night and the moon was shining so visibility was there.

Like I described in my previous post from a few years ago I then saw more very strange things after this rather disturbing experience. I thought very carefully about which way to go to exit the wood and I thought I would take the safest way out away from the river (south) back down to the Cloon Woods and Glencree carparks. Taking this route would proove very uncomfortable as I would have to pass the place where I spotted the beastie. I thought it had either went back down to the river or up to the top of the mountain where my campsite was.

I think I might of passed a long necked dinosaur like Nessie which was to the left of me in a gully. I ran as fast as I could past more faces in the trees and was overwhelmed with relief when I made it to the well lit area the entire time playing Rotting Christ out loud on my iPod (LOL). Thats when I saw the UFO's off the coast of Arklow way up in the sky. Like I said the UFO was huge, easily the size of our city, probably silver in colour but to me it just looked like a black rectangle. I was so amazed by what I saw and I stayed for maybe 15 minitues watching the spectacle. It looked like something out of Lego with aeriels and fancy lights projecting from the top. There were also other smaller spacecraft to the left and right of it but they were much smaller in comparison to the mothership.

When I left the spectacle I definetly saw some aliens on the road but I still wasn't out of the carpark yet. I know that there is an electrical current in the curtains of mist that the aliens might use for teleportation but this is just a theory. They looked back at me when I passed them and didn't seem very bothered with me. 

The experience was so intense for me that I seemed to fall unconscious for some time but I remained on my feet. I don't know where I was or what happened to me but I woke up in a different carpark. Very interesting experience and I will never forget how much it felt to have experienced proof of Alien life. Thankyou for reading im Kap from