i. Deforestation is leaving sinkholes in lumber areas, diluting the local water supply for surrounding wildlife. At one time Ireland was a rainforest similar to New Zealand and its mountainous areas still have some of its remaining rainforest. A rainforest is akin to a jungle.
ii. Rare flowers, algae and biota that only grow on the hanging moss of rare trees like the silver rowans & hornbeams and rare oaks are disappearing rapidly. Rare colourful birds and the silver squirrel population are also diminishing.
iii. All aquatic creatures survive off these bodies of water like rivers, streams, ponds and mountain reservoirs, estuaries and pools on the bog that once were free from contact with these different sectors of interest, that have been using them irresponsibly only for their gain. Special interest lets say. Farmers wont stop using their river to dump poisonous waste they don't know theyre doing this. And your horse wont drink the water because its full of bugs and mud. A deer wont take caution when stopping for a gulp, microscopic insects like cryptosporidians can take down a full grown human in just days.
You will spend more money on footwear (shoes) than you will on supplies because just one jab from a sharp root or stump will kill all the nerves in your feet and eventually change the shape of your soles. Ive never had a puncture but all my boot shrank and my toes... Oh! My toes...
SIZE: 4m to 60ft+ in length
ODOUR: rank atmospheric odour, unbearable, foul.
COLOUR: usually grey with white blotches but can range from blue, grey to pitch black and black with white blotches. These blotches are the patterns + shapes that reflect light.
TEETH: Nìseag has long curved sharp teeth they are but only reasonably strong, not like an alligator or crocodile. Nìseag has a more cetatian set. The monster can feed on something found in the river, similar to plankton (a type of algae or vegetation).
DIET: everything a monster can find sire!
EYE COLOUR: Like all Cervidae, this seems to vary from all eye colours but most common seems to be totally black or deep brown eyes w/ no pupil or retina.
AUDIC DESCRIPTION: The monster has been known to be able to produce a great range of sounds. From singing, 'bleeping and blooping' to mimicking nearby animals and humans, and making deafening cry's and wails.
AUDIC CALL: Like a ruminant bark but clearly distinct (semiaquatic) to the ear. Usually confused with otters playing and that kind of thing.
POPULATION: Evenly dispersed in Éire and Albain but mainly in the larger loughs than the medium lakes. They seem to visit the sea alot during warm stretches but flock to the lakes to escape larger predators and sea-monsters.
INFECTION CONTROL: After coming into contact with 'Champie' it has been known that your clothes and your gear will not wash ever again and they will be sticky forever more, if that doesn't bother you then the smell of oil wont either. The smell diminishes over time.
SUPERNATURAL: Ireland is a magical land and these are marinal supernormalities. There is the belief that these entities cannot be caught and that they multiply into a bunch of sticks and mud when they die, or at least they decompose very fast in just one day. They also have family members that will give them spiritual burials entombed.
OTHER NOTES: Unlike the Sasquatch phenom. this creature does not seem to be smart. Be Careful!
1. What kind of creature is Nìseag?
2. What type of creature is Nìseag?
3. Why are we trying to find this creature?
4. What can we preserve from our research if we find it?
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