This blog explores the Paranormal: GHOSTS, ALIENS, UFO’S, CRYPTOZOOLOGY, THE OCCULT, DOCS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY... In this blog I will write about some of my experiences, thoughts and discoveries. I will also sometimes write about my thoughts and ideas on a subject and my encounters. "People are afraid of the truth." This website is most suitable for Cyber Age smartphones. Advice: Please go on the channels and look at other videos not just the ones I put up.
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
From - IBRO
The most common silly comment the IBRO receives from uneducated people on the subject of the European Bigfoot is, how can they be in Ireland? Well, this map shows you how the British Isles were once joined to mainland Europe and at the very latest, County Donegal was still connected to Scotland around 7000 BC. Its more than likely that they were here at lot longer than that, as all of these islands (then mainland Europe) were completely forested. Tales of the Wildman go back an extremely long time here and who knows, they could have been in Ireland, long before Sasquatch reached North America via the land bridge that once connected Alaska with Siberia.