Wednesday, 11 September 2019



我遇到了一位失散多年的朋友. 我們一起抽了很多大麻. 我們很高興並且很活躍,但突然間我們開始談論失去的人 我們宇宙中其他世界的邊疆. 我們吸了另外一兩個,他決定給我看一部有時在Netflix上播放的紀錄片. 這個 電影中有傑夫·佩克曼(Jeff Peckman)這樣的人,他是一個明顯是精神病的外星人 事實證明,傑夫已經打了很長時間並正在製作他自己的電影 他的經歷.


Hans Faulkner 我是(X-Files)領域的好朋友. 他向我介紹了Cryptozoology以及“黑客教程”和“Creepypasta”等網站. 我記得被阻擋在防火牆下面的眩目的星星,並被迫仔細檢查巨大的宇宙飛船從頭頂飛過,只是在以前 谷歌購買之前的YouTube版本和Dailymotion. 對於顛覆性貨幣,我們已經發展成為萬人迷和騾子. 告訴我同志們,我們失去了靈魂嗎?六字真言

Monday, 9 September 2019


Before I post my theories on Bigfoot, Niseag and other cryptids I would like to say that I would prefer in my open-mind to believe that they are just other altruistic beings who are out there with us. I always have.

Why have I always? A brief history of my interest in the Paranormal
 I saw a picture of a Plesiosaur* in a school-book when I was 10 years old.
 I can’t remember the name of the school-book "Mysterious Monsters" (something like that).
 It was a very interesting book. 12 - 16 inches wide, square-shaped, full of monsters I had never heard of before. It was all in vivid colour and had photos and drawings in colour, short-stories and articles. I had a very vivid imagination growing up. I used to read He-Man, Astérix and Obélix, Goosebumps and I borrowed that book for almost a year before returning it. Funnily enough all my friends left the school the next year and whenever I bring up Sasquatch they don’t know what im talking about because they never got to read it. I wasn’t even pressured to return the book but I always do return books to library's. I should of taken down the title. I saw the Patty footage on the internet when I was a bit older. “Bigfoot” was the first thing I searched for. I never told anyone about the Patterson-Gimlin film.

Maybe they are a triassic-species that have walked among us since the wooly mammoths. It was the Ice-Age and Stone-Ages.

Éire always has had the reputation for being a land that possesses some of the highest quantities of Mythical’-Folklore (modern and old) and sightings. Scotland, Wales, England, Scandinavia, Gotland, Lapland, Isle of Skye, Farose, Hibernia and Continental Europe would come after Ireland. ‘mystical, mythological, para-normal, byzantine-era, dark-ages, Celtic-folklore, Viking-folklore’ are shelves to look for. The Byzantine period began at the height of the renaissance. The Medieval era (dark-ages) lasted from 476AD - 1453AD. The Gothic era began in the 12th century and lasted until the 16th century when Ireland was fighting Anglo-Normans. Then there were famines, hangings, plantations, Oliver Cromwell and another famine.

Celtic society was rich and complex. They placed great emphasis on war and victory, and viewed nobility, religion, wealth and beauty as hugely important. They were skilled craftsmen and created exquisite jewellery and decorative objects from gold, copper and bronze. They had an astronomical calendar and celebrated various festivals in honour of their gods and goddesses, constructing impressive monuments and tombs to honour their dead that were aligned with the stars. Nature was also important to them, with trees, animals and the natural elements considered sacred. However, despite all of this obvious intelligence, there is no evidence of them using any form of writing apart from a primitive line script known as Ogham. They were almost entirely an oral society, passing their knowledge and skills through the generations through word of mouth and demonstration.

When the first Christian missionaries arrived in Ireland in the 5th century forward-thinking monks began writing down the folklore in Latin, developing the Celtic stories into the vast lexicon we have today. They were obviously trying to record or preserve the folklore. Scientists say The Last Ice Age began around 28,000 years ago and lasted until 12,000 years ago. Its effects did not fully diminish until 4500BC.
Irish Mythology is divided into 4 different cycles; The Mythological Cycle, Ulster Cycle, Fenian Cycle and Historical Cycle

The Mythological Cycle 
End of Last Ice Age 12,000BC -> Neolithic -> 5000BC -> Complete End of Ice Age 4000BC -> 
Bronze Age 3000BC

Ogham and Oral Traditions
Psychedelic use
Possible advanced civilizations between the Mesolithic and Bronze Ages and/or involvement with Extra-Terrestrials.
Tuatha De Danann (Cesair)
8,200BC Great Flood from Norway, Tsunami wipes out Tir na nOg (Atlantis) in the North Sea. (The Fae, Men of Dea)
Fintan -> Partholan -> Nemed -> Fir Bolg ->
The Fomoire ->
Lug (master of arts and warfare)
Dagda (great God with magical cauldron)
The Second Battle of Mag Tuired between The Fomoire and The Tuatha during which The Sons of Mil vanquish The Tuatha to the underworld.
5000 - 4000BC - Navan Fort (Armagh) Eamhain Mhaca

Britain had been attached to the continent by a land bridge across the North Sea (called Doggerland after the Dogger Banks) and the Channel. Around 6200 BC this sea level rise was exacerbated by a marine landslide off the coast of Norway which caused a tsunami that finally flooded Doggerland and caused Britain to be cut off from the continent.

The Ulster Cycle 
4000BC - Ptolemy 140AD

King Conchabar -> Cu Chulainn (Mythological-Cycle warrior)
Queen Medb
Homer 800BC

The Fenian Cycle 
3rd century, 220AD -> 430BC

The Annals of the Four Masters (Foras Feasa ar Éirinn)
Fionn MacCumhaill (Denma), The Fianna (cult) formed by High King Cormac MacAirt.
Avenges his fathers death.
Studies with poet Fin Eces
Eats magical salmon of knowledge and obtains all wisdom of the world, admitted to the court of The High King of Tara.
Oisin MacCumhaill

Historical Cycle - 430BC+

This cycle was written by the bards of the kings courts and blends mythology with historical detail.
All characters are blended with religion of Labraid Loingseachwith the historical account of Brian Boru.
This cycle dates from after the coming of Christianity and Saint Patrick, and so has been influenced much more by Christian teachings than the other cycles.
Cormac MacAirt is one of the stories that is continued.
King Conn of the Hundred Battles (founder of Connaught)
ONeill clan (Niall of the Nine Hostages Ancestor of ONeill). He took 9 hostages from each Irish Province and one from the Scots, Saxons, Britons and Franks.
800AD - The Book of Kells (Depictions of Lake Monsters in the form of drawings could well of developed in Irish and Scottish manuscripts during this period of pre-Byzantine styles)
986AD - The oldest account of Bigfoot is recorded by Leif Ericson. Norse: "Skellring" (barbarian)

The oldest account of Bigfoot was recorded in 986 AD by Leif Ericson and his men. During their first landing in the New World, the Norsemen wrote about manlike beasts that were "horribly ugly, hairy, swarthy and with great black eyes."
Among his accounts, Leif told of seeing huge hairy men who towered over him and his men. The "huge hairy men", according to Leif, lived in the Woods and had a rank odour and a deafening shriek. It should be noted that Leif Ericson and his men describe huge manlike beasts that were loud and foul-smelling and clearly distinct from native peoples. Apparently, Leif had several sightings of the "huge hairy men" before departing the island.
They called the creature "Skellring". People believe that the creature "Skellring" is what we know today as Bigfoot. This is the earliest recorded encounter with Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.

The Norse word "skellring" is a term of contempt. It means, roughly, a "barbarian." What is interesting is the word "hairy." The Norse were a hairy people themselves, big men with matted hair and beards. Why did they remark on the "skellring" being hairy? Was it because they were very much hairier than the Norsemen?

Dating 6,500 years and Archaic dating between the 10,000 - 40,000 time period.
Folklore and traditions passed on through blood 
Mesolithic-Folklore is passed down as knowledge to us. They tried to record this Folklore in our recent-literature for us and this was done in other forms before literature right until--> Palaeolithic-Ancestors by oral tradition that have traces in our genetics. Do we tap into this information when we are afraid or in danger?
These traces in our DNA/RNA become a sort of assembly of knowledge and instincts in our metabolistic structure. These instincts are mainly instinctive traits and commands that were intended to help our species survive and/or outwit these beasts* to escape them on dim foggy nights in the desolate and dreaded meadows and high grassland. Some of us know what it feels like to be trapped nearly surrounded by open bodies of water where high grass fools.

Almost like a program. E.g.

Your Grandparent or Great-Grandparent or Aunt taught* you an idea when you were still very innocent. They implanted it.
Maybe you were brought to an event or told something, maybe they bribed someone else to say something on their behalf so that you would hear something. Maybe they made you complete a task or undertake a simple test. This subtle way of teaching their kin (you and your siblings) about how to behave how to coordinate yourself is identical to the way we learn about Cryptozoology genealogically. It usually starts off personally (near home). You might of gone dog walking alone or you were with a loved one. In these cases you had gone off the track and went exploring, you were trying to find this ‘spot’ , ‘place’ , ‘specific location’ that a family-member or friend had told you about. Strangely however you lost track of the time and got lost. Then you have one of these encounters.

SUB-CATEGORIES: Monsterology, Cryptozoology, Legends/Mythology, Fairytales/Mythology, Fairytales

You can venture to any library in Ireland and you will find a wide range of literature that falls under the folklore category of monsters, legends and fairytales. Mostly published between the late 16th and 20th century. 
This goes further deeper into the paranormal category of Cryptozoology, Wild-men and phenomena.

Monsterology gives leeway to a sub-category: Cryptozoology
This sub-category of research mainly deals with:
Sea and lake cryptids
Trolls, Orcs, Giants 
Spiritual/Supernatural beings (unknown)

Usually tales of Old-Irish-Chieftans, Heroes, Kings, Queens and Warriors…
Tales about witches and old hags can also include stories of Wild-men. ‘Old-hag’ is a slang term for old widow who lives alone in a cottage.
Fairytales/Mythology: Usually stories that inspired the fantasy work of poets and bards, describing;
dwarves, gnomes, imps, alien greys (small men)
goblins, elves, wizards… and strange races of men from distant lands e.g. Bretons, Blue people, Wizards. This mythological folklore from Ireland, England, France and other places inspired creations like Lord of The Rings.

Wild-man (Bigfoot),
strange dogmen (Werewolf),
strange gorillamen (Skunk Ape??)

‘Wild-man’ to the Irish was generally believed to be a Hermit who you would meet in the woods. He could shapeshift into a big hairy creature and reminded people of the devil. (Sorcery, Alchemy and Conjuring)

Characteristics of other miscellaneous strange forest-dwellers:
ornately-defined human similarities.
superhuman characteristics.

In Fairytales deserved its own category as Ghostes and apparitions, phantams, aliens and time-travellers.

Deep down we are all alike these beings whether we know it or not. Many of us have pretended to become Elves and princesses, wizards, superhumans when we were children.
Gods, Goidelics and Orcs etc.
We have fantasized, dreamt or imagined being more than what we are. It's only common-sense that reminds us that we do not possess that drive, we would rather give it a shot for a while and then reclude to our human nature where there is luxury, comfort, friends, family, passions and hobbies. We dry out our wet clothes and realize we are not animal.
We either learn or remain shy. Every data-bank about aliens that I have come across holds reports of aliens (paranormal phenomena) some described as being so much like human beings that with a bit of preparation and makeup* we would never tell the difference, and ofcourse aliens that appear so much unlike us that we would instantly change from skepticists to believers in their presence. And thirdly sometimes we don’t. People from urban areas who have rarely experienced the thrills (shall we say) of isolation in the great wilderness of places like Siberia and Canada, may be drug users as well do find it hard to make sense of everything. And although this minority of witnesses say they are not believers or skeptics and that they simply hallucinate often, maybe diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD etc. Well lets just say they are not hallucinating.


*taught = gave, passed down, implanted, reinforced, reconsolidated, reconstituated, prodeveloped
*beasts = trickster, ghostly figure, silhouettes in the blinding sun, black ghosts, cannonball-headed-cryptid, colossus/giant
* The Unicorn might of been misinterpreted in folklore. A Similar thing has actually been discovered in S5 of Finding Bigfoot. 
*makeup = a change in appearance


Irish Annals (Annals of The Four Masters
Labraid Loingseach
Conn of the Hundred Battles (Dál Cuinn)
Niall of The Nine Hostages (Late Prehistoric)
The Green Book: Writings on Irish Gothic, Supernatural and Fantastic Literature
The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates


1. They were here the whole time.
2. They were brought here by Aliens to control us or they are Aliens themselves.
3. They were created in labs by Nazi scientists.
4. They are what wild animals become after being released from captivity. Or a genetic cross-mutation of them like Apes, Bears, Oranutangs, Equidae, Cetacean-land-relatives, Marsupialia and rare big cats and dogs. I don’t support this theory very much.
5. They are a gang of Bronze Agers that built UFO's that don't get along excellently with eachother.
6. They are directly related to Wooly Mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) I for one believe this, I see the resemblance in Elephantidae.


7. Now this 7th theory is a new theory that includes Lake Monsters. Could Sasquatch and Niseag be robotic creations of the British Secret Military and US [MIC] used to seek dissidents out. Like I said in: REPETOIRE 001 The thing was huge, like a dinosaur with a head like a giant cannon-ball.

Other information from The Matrix Revolutions:

Oracle says to Neo during an interview:

The Oracle: Oh, of course you have. Every time you've heard someone say they saw a ghost, or an angel- every story you've ever heard about vampires, werewolves, or aliens, is the system assimilating some program that's doing something they're not supposed to be doing.

Although The Oracle represents herself as The System itself, Neo is trying to wake her up aswell. He knows he cant but what is she really saying is this a riddle?

Wednesday, 4 September 2019


Did you know that The Illuminati have their own website? It is real.

The 13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati:

1. Astor
2. Bundy
3. Collins
4. DuPonts
5. Freeman
6. Kennedy
7. Li
8. Onassis
9. Reynolds
10. Rockefeller
11. Rothschild
12. Russell
12. Van Duyn

European Royal Families including: Merovingian
Interconnected families: Krupp, Disney, McDonald

And there are even more than this I hear... possibly many more families involved in a world takeover.

Monday, 2 September 2019



10-01-2007, 07:00 p.m.


“Pervert FBI and NSA psychopaths are secretly and illegally conducting non-consensual, sadistic, synthetic telepathy experiments and psychotronic weapon attacks on hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens in the United States and elsewhere.

Email this to all your friends and peers and spread the knowledge, so all Americans and other citizens elsewhere educate themselves about the latest horrifying and disgusting secret technologies being used by FBI and NSA on hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens worldwide.

It would be great if somebody blogs this post and spread the word on internet for the benefit of all freedom loving Americans and all the innocent citizens of the world. Majority of these innocent people  do not even know they are torture-victims and are being used as guinea-pigs by these FBI and NSA perverts, torturers and psychopaths.”

The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agencies called the N.S.A. [ National Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ Central Security Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence Intelligence Agency ], D.A.R.P.A.[ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ], C.I.A. [ Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S.[ Department of Homeland Security ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation ], Cointelproor Counter Intelligence Program unit has extremely top secret technology that can pick up the private thoughts given by individuals in the vibrations produced by the brains electrical impulses, and that these thoughts can be broadcast by means of microwave tranceivers, infrasound and ultrasound tranceivers, satellites, and any other form of technology which uses electromagnetic transfer, i.e. television, radio,the internet, and the telephone. The Pentagon calls this mind reading technology SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about it at all. The N.S.A. or National Security Agency is a part of the U.S. Department of Defense, and a very secretive part at that. The N.S.A. has a black budget, and is always headed by a flag officer from one of the branches of the U.S. military. The top secret technologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty years or may be even more ahead of the technology which is available to the U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S. public what the level of technological development is within the secret laboratories of the N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects Agency ]. The headquarters of the National Security Agency is located at Fort George Meadein the U.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computer chips based on nanotechnology which can be inserted into a person by means of an injection, capsule, or tooth filling, with or without the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist,and these computer chips can track the implanted person by radio or microwaves. These microscopic computer chips can also be made invisible to detection by means of C.A.T. [ Computerized Axial Tomography ], M.R.I. [ Magnetic Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [ Positron Emission Tomography ] scans, by some means of electromagnetic degaussing...