Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Massive Bigfoot Caught on Thermal In Grays Harbor, Washington

October 30th 2013. After months of activity, the Brown family captures one of the most compelling thermal footage to exist.

With permission from Jonathan Brown. The following footage was captured on a FLIR thermal camera.

A massive Bigfoot was watching the researchers...


The Illusive Bigfoot remains a mystery to many, but to those who have seen it, will forever be haunted by its presence...

Monday, 12 February 2018



In 2012 I discovered Creepypasta for the first time. I was around 18 at the time and I was quite disturbed upon discovering Creepypasta and reading articles. I came across this one story about Lavender Town in Pokemon. I don’t know if its still on Creepypasta but it was a very well put together and entertaining story about this dude who goes up into their attic and turns on his old Game Boy Color to play Pokemon Red Version again. Anyway he starts seeing all his friends dead on the screen and it gets creepier from then on. Just the idea that if you go up into your attic and turn on your old Game Boy Color that this will happen to you. I was so naive at the time I actually believed all the stories on Creepypasta to be real at first. Although some of the stories are inspired by conspiracy theories or based on real things.

The writer goes on about the music that was put in Lavender Town and how it made young kids suicidal and affect their behavior. I remember playing Pokemon Red as a kid with my friends but I cant remember much about the music. It goes on further about the Japanese man who designed the music for Lavender Town and how he dies. Researchers have delved even deeper into this mystery, they have decoded the audio into visual in which you can see a few different things. Here are the links: Warning the footage is disturbing.
What do you think? Is this a pedophile ring or some form of Illuminati mind control? 

If any Readers can find this Creepypasta on any Creepypasta sites Please E-Mail me.


One of the first alien videos I saw was about a case: The McPhearson family abduction footage. Back in around 2008 the video was on YouTube. I remember seeing more in the video that was around back then. The short videos you can find on YouTube about it I believe have parts edited out. I have not been able to find the video (of the original footage) anywhere on the internet bar YouTube. I remember watching the aliens use telekinesis to throw people and the sofa across the room. This happens after the aliens enter the house. If anyone else knows what im talking about please e-mail me, I would love to hear about this topic.


In this video a man by the name of Dr Jonathan Reed finds an alien in a forest and films a strange triangular black object hovering above the ground. This object looks pitch black in colour like a black hole. In the video you can also hear the man breathing very heavily which I think makes the footage real. I know personally that you would only be huffing like that when you are in alot of distress, I don’t think its fake folks.

Is this a craft made from dark matter or plasma? The alien body in the video looks kind of fake but then again who knows? What do you think?