This blog explores the Paranormal: GHOSTS, ALIENS, UFO’S, CRYPTOZOOLOGY, THE OCCULT, DOCS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, RESEARCH PHILOSOPHY... In this blog I will write about some of my experiences, thoughts and discoveries. I will also sometimes write about my thoughts and ideas on a subject and my encounters. "People are afraid of the truth." This website is most suitable for Cyber Age smartphones. Advice: Please go on the channels and look at other videos not just the ones I put up.
Monday, 27 November 2023
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Thursday, 16 November 2023
Sunday, 24 July 2022
Saturday, 14 May 2022
Taping the GHOSTS
Taping the GHOSTS
From: Ireland’s Own (November 20, 2020)
Gill Hall mansion, Dromore, Co. Down
WHEN THE Ulster Tape Recording Society was formed in 1958, its sole purpose was to bring together people who liked messing about with tape recorders. But soon after its formation, the society started receiving requests for help.
It began when a resident at a care home, who was too frail to go to church, asked if they could record a church service for him so that he could listen to it in the home. They could - and they did.
Then, an elderly farmer, who’d been placed in a care home many miles from his beloved farm, asked if they could record the sounds of the farm that he missed so much. They could - and they did.
And so it continued for the society.
Then, in 1960, they received their strangest request: could they record a ghost?
So, at 10pm on Saturday, 11 June 1960, twelve members of the Ulster Tape Recording Society arrived at Gill Hall mansion, outside Dromore, in County Down, to capture a ghost on tape.
Gill Hall was selected because it was the location of a very famous ghost story. In October 1693, Lady Beresford, who was staying as a guest at Gill Hall, was visited by the ghost of her childhood friend, Lord Tyrone.
As children, Beresford and Tyrone had promised each other that the first of them to die would return to tell the other about the ‘other side’. However, Lord Tyrone, as far as Lady Beresford knew, was very much alive.
“Know that I departed this life on Tuesday last at four o’clock,” said the ghost, “and have been permitted to appear to you to give you assurances that reveal our religion is the true and only religion by which we can be saved.”
Then, after telling her that she would die on her 47th birthday, the ghost grabbed her wrist and said: “While you live let no mortal behold this wrist.”
The next day, Lady Beresford received word that her friend, Lord Tyrone, had indeed died. As his ghost had requested, she covered her wrist with a piece of black silk, and kept it covered until her death - on her 47th birthday.
AT THE mansion, the Ulster Tape Recording Society placed microphones throughout the old building and set up a control room from which they could monitor and record any ghostly goings-on.
Then they all gathered in the control room - and waited.
A few things happened that night that the group couldn’t easily explain. The microphones picked up a strange metallic tapping sound that would stop as soon as someone from the team left the control room to investigate. A key in a door turned on its own. And a number of objects mysteriously moved.
It was enough to convince most of the society members that they had encountered a ghost. But just in case they were being pranked, they planned another - secret - visit to the mansion.
And so, at 10pm on Saturday, 25 June, the team returned to Gill Hall. This time they were joined by Sheila St Clair, an expert in the paranormal.
As before, once the microphones had been placed around the mansion, everybody gathered in the control room and waited for something to happen.
They didn’t have to wait long. Just before midnight, there was an almighty crash from the cellar - followed by another, a few minutes later.
Then, on the stroke of midnight, a gong was heard to sound in the cellar. It seemed to announce the beginning of proceedings.
For the rest of the night, a whole range of sounds was heard coming from the cellar: a squawking bird; the rumble of a distant engine; a scraping noise followed by a cough; more crashes; and, at one point, a fierce growling noise.
The strange noises in the cellar continued throughout the night. Yet, when the team finally re-opened the cellar, just before dawn, it was pretty much as they’d left it. There were no gongs, squawking birds or growling animals. And there was no evidence that anyone had gotten into the cellar to fake the noises.
So, had the team really recorded a ghost?
Sheila St Clair was convinced they had, saying at the time that she could find “no reasonable explanation other than the supernatural” for the sounds she’d heard that night.
But there had been something else that happened that night - something that hadn’t been recorded on tape - that convinced everyone who was there that they had encountered a ghost.
When Sheila and the guys from the Ulster Tape Recording Society were making their way down the main drive of Gill Hall after a very eventful night, they stopped to take one last look at the house. And that’s when the ‘phantom lights’ appeared - flickering in every window of the house.
They didn’t make a third visit.
Sunday, 30 May 2021
Monday, 22 March 2021
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
From - IBRO
The most common silly comment the IBRO receives from uneducated people on the subject of the European Bigfoot is, how can they be in Ireland? Well, this map shows you how the British Isles were once joined to mainland Europe and at the very latest, County Donegal was still connected to Scotland around 7000 BC. Its more than likely that they were here at lot longer than that, as all of these islands (then mainland Europe) were completely forested. Tales of the Wildman go back an extremely long time here and who knows, they could have been in Ireland, long before Sasquatch reached North America via the land bridge that once connected Alaska with Siberia.
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
This is my idea for the perfect and sustainable, simplistic dwelling for the mountain lover. I originally got the idea by dropping a few pinches of Irish moss and bark on my table, I added some filter-tips that I split from my Marlboros and there you have it! I had an eureka moment.
An apostrophe of insight, sudden eureka! moment (a great and exciting idea that just springs to mind). I had been in the mountains backpacking and may of stumbled on invention.
Alpine Cylinders would be made out of recycled pipes (tanks, containers, jet engines), twice the dimensions of a human in height and long enough to weld in a nice bedframe, a study table, dressers, a sink and shelves. What I am describing is just the tip of the ice-berg. This invention led me to the discovery of tiny-homes a new wave project inspired perhaps by the hippies and oldies of the 60's but this new tiny-home idea is different. I have not seen any cylinders on the massive YouTube playlists of "Tiny Home Tours". Maybe they think a cyclindrical object would roll over.
That's a very staunt possibility. Also transport is a key issue but unfortunately this is a more immobile home. Large square bricks would be needed on both sides of the Cylinder to keep it from eroding clockwise or counter. And helicopters seem the only sensible means of getting it to your mountain-top garden. Yet when I was posting this to Facebook I suddenly got the idea that because of the shape and small size, these Cylinders could be rolled or gradually pushed uphill with tractors. I'll be sure to explain how this would work thoroughly in the show.
Second of all this type of project cannot be started from scratch. The stages:
1. Cleaning them
2. Sanitizing them for living
3. Painting/spraying them with rust-remover
4. Then finally painting them with white paint, inside and outside.
Other Factors
1. Sliding vent on roof of Cylinder. Ventillation must be installed. Very strong steel-alloy for the sliding vents.
2. 2 small circular submarine-windows made of reinforced glass or very strong glass. Although some people might think windows would be optional, I disagree. I think without a few windows that office or research-lab feel would not exist, neither would a homely feel for a gardening-lover.
The door is a great feature, like an airplane door. Eventually solar panels could be installed to the roof. Running water can be installed just like in tiny-homes but only for one stainless steel kitchen sink. No toilets inside the Cylinder.
This cylinder only looks well in white. I have thought of other colours but they don't offer the veil of seclusion white offers. I have thought about a coat of camouflage for the exterior of the Alpine Cylinder, that is an option. Places like New Caledonia, Coral Sea would benefit from that type of feature. I could also imagine the elder war-veteran pertaining to a camouflage-painted-alpine-cylinder.
Imagine this..
You are a retired military man and you want to live right in the bush. Say Roscommon, Cairngorms, Zillertal Alps, Romania, Ukraine or the jungles of New Caledonia, wherever. The Alpine-Cyclinder-Home would supply all your basic needs. With your hammock and your 4-wheeler outside the window, you will not be let down by its strength and durability, all year-round.
Instead of leaving your campsite to have to make a fire, you would be leaving a comfortable double-bed to do this. You wont have to worry about terrential rain, a metallic home will keep you dry all year round.
Now just while writing this up guys I just thought of the problem with ice. If snow gets trapped in the door, would you get stuck outside for the winter? Could you get stuck inside for the winter? If an avalanche fell on it, what would happen?
Ans: No.
I think installing a new component to the A.C.H might be a wise move. Some kind of emergency door. I thought about this for a long time one night that the Alpine.Cylinder.Home would need two doors, one on either side but I thought that might a be a bit messy. So the door or (escape exit) would have to go somewhere else.
Some kind of mechanism with the air-vent, you could have a third sliding panel that would suffice as a door, this could be accessed with a key and would have to made from ice-resistant material. So you would have to find somewhere to boil some hot water, apply it to the third vent-panel and then dig your way out of an avalanche.
Please submit your ideas on A.C.H to:
Friday, 4 December 2020
Friday, 20 November 2020
A Discovery Science Special (PsyDiscovery)
I have been reading a few books lately, one in particular, the 506 pg: Irish Aquatic Monsters. I have been able to map some dire locations that I believe might be the places to investigate. This investigation would be neccessary to proove the existence of dragons in Irish lakes. I have invented a documentary series for TV; it would be titled: Amphibious Predators or Amphibious Monsters.
How might the general public react to this? Like “Finding Bigfoot”, “Mountain Monsters” and "Alaska Monsters" instead we would have “Amphibious Monsters: Ireland”, a real show about Loch Ness monsters. Why?.. Some people would be shocked, horrified or even angry if Discovery Channel started airing this, just like the reaction to a Bigfoot show, Loch ness documentary, Aliens and UFO’s, ghosts everything within the paranormal.
Because I think Ireland is the best place to start a study into the reports of the Loch Ness monster. 2. There are facts that suggest Ireland is the home of this cryptid. A water-horse or kelpie that made its own home here.
3. That loughs like Doo Lough in Mayo might be better places to find the proof of its existence.
There were very few copies of the book: Irish Aquatic Monsters by the two authors Rob Cornes and Gary Cunningham. I was able to purchase one of the last copies from Amazon. It is a very detailed text separated into 4 different provinces including Achill Island and Connemara, containing everything from small monster eels to enormous dragons.
We would need a crew:
CAMERAS: Me and my camera, thermal equipment, underwater equipment, nightvision equipment
Could come from anywhere, a small crew created from volunteers from different bureaus including:
Loch Ness Investigation Bureau
NFC - http:\\\en\cbes
The Irish Herpetological Society
Shuker Nature
Dick Raynor
Various Conservation Societies and Animal Activist Groups
Thats not the difficult part of it. The difficult part of it would be getting a sponsor from Discovery Channel. They would have to pay each camera-man and crew member (excluding myself) a salary and would have to pay $$$ for accomodation, accomodation/hotels/hostels. A small camera crew would still need large expenses for whatever vans or jeeps we are going to use.
I am excused from this list because I am in it solely to proove that the Loch Ness monster does exist, and that Bigfoot exists in Ireland. There are organizations in Ireland that might offer support. Discovery would have to sponsor this: “Amphibious Predators is a documentary series on Discovery Channel. It premiered on November 11th…”
So if you are wondering, yes this is a gigantic tour of Ireland, the depth of the research is immense and the amount of attention to detail is almost overbearing. We put a lot of work into this idea. Something that might never of been attempted before.
This is a gigantic tour. Of Ireland. KMZ. FILE HERE
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Drumshallon" | November 11, 2019 |
1 | 1 | Drumshallon, Louth - Bunyip eels |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Mid-East Migration" | November 11, 2019 |
2 | 2 | Ballyhoe Lough, Meath/Monaghan/Louth - Water-horse Nadreegeel Loughs, Cavan - Water-horse Teevurcher Lough, Cavan/Meath - Water-horse |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Orienteering for Treasure (Special)" | November 18, 2019 |
3 | 3 | Drewstown House, Meath - One-eyed creature Mullagh Lough, Cavan - Treasure-guarding serpent (6ft in length) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Mid-East Migration - Part 2" | November 25, 2019 |
4 | 4 | Whitewood Lake, Meath - Nessie (100 yards in length) Ervey Lough, Meath/Cavan - Nessie Drumate Lough, Monaghan - Nessie (15ft in length, Aug 1944 experience) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Looking for Lochie" | December 2, 2019 |
5 | 5 | Cam Lough, Armagh - Lochie (June 2000 sighting) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Waters of Waterford" | December 9, 2019 |
6 | 6 | Counshingaun, Waterford - Nessie Coumalocha, Waterford - Dragon |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Enormous Creature" | December 16, 2019 |
7 | 7 | Lough Owel, Westmeath - Monster |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Mermaid Special" | December 23, 2019 |
8 | 8 | Lough Gowna, Longford/Cavan - Mermaids and monsters Lough Sheelin, Cavan - Mermaids and monsters (1962 sighting) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lough Neagh" | December 30, 2019 |
9 | 9 | Lough Neagh, Derry - The team sail 16.5 miles from Kinnego to Ballyronan to investigate ‘The Thing’ or ‘Pooka’ a 40-60ft long cryptid. The team also investigate the Lennymore Bay area. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lough Ree" | January 6, 2020 |
10 | 10 | Lough Ree, Westmeath/Roscommon/Longford - Nessie (6ft in length) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Killashandra" | January 13, 2020 |
11 | 11 | Lough Oughter, Cavan - Water-horses Lough Putiaghan, Cavan - Unknown (8ft in length, 1971 encounter) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "The Erne Waterway" | January 20, 2020 |
12 | 12 | River Finn, Fermanagh - Nessie (June, 1910 report) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Orienteering for Treasure (Special) - Part 2" | January 27, 2020 |
13 | 13 | Brackley Lake, Cavan North - Is Brackley Lake, Quilcia Lake? The team decide. Fort Lough, Leitrim South - Nessie mutation Drumshanbo, Leitrim South - Mysterious animal or Ribbon-seal? The team investigate. Black Lough, Leitrim North - Treasure-guarding monstrous eel. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lough Derg" | February 10, 2020 |
14 | 14 | Lough Derg (Clare) is the second biggest lake in the Republic of Ireland. This lake has a milestone of 4 sightings of a Beastie in Irish lakes. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lough Graney" | February 17, 2020 |
15 | 15 | There are 2 famous encounters with a cryptid in this lake. The team travel to Clare to find out if the rumour is true: ‘Monster seen in the lake every 7 years’. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lough Aclaureen" | February 17, 2020 |
16 | 16 | It is believed that Castlegrove Lake in County Galway has a Loch Ness Monster. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Clare Lakes Treasure Special" | February 24, 2020 |
17 | 17 | Cappafean Lough, Clare - The team travel to Ennis and visit the small town of Crusheen to investigate an eel in the waters of Inchicronan. Near this lake is a hillock called "Crogan an Piobaire" where the eel is said to guard gold. Lough Cullaun, Clare - Anthony Doc Shiels sighting |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lakes of Munster, Part 1 (Treasure Special)" | March 3, 2020 |
18 | 18 | Gouganebarra Lake, Cork - lu (great enchanted eel) Drombrow Lake, Cork - Coastal lake holds reports of great dragons, water-horses and monsters. Lough Aderry, Cork - The team go looking for gold in Lough Aderry, County Cork. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lakes of Munster, Part 2" | March 10, 2020 |
19 | 19 | This is one of the most extreme explorations that the team take in the series. In this 2-part long episode they visit: Dun Lough, Cork - A dangerous and almost inaccessible sea loch. Lough Hyne, Cork - They investigate stories of old told at this haunted sea loch. Glen Lough, Cork - The search for Nessie in Munster continues. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Lakes of Munster, Part 3 & 4" | March 17, 2020 |
20 | 20 | Lough Brin, Kerry - The Search for ‘Bran’ Lough Beg, Kerry - The Search for ‘Bran’ Lough Fadda, Kerry - Lough Fadda creature (1975 sighting) Lackagh Lake, Killarney, Kerry - Lough Lackagh creature Lough Looscaunagh, Killarney, Kerry - The team investigate a monster sighting from Feb 1963. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Wurrums Special" | March 24, 2020 |
21 | 21 | Cloon Lough, Kerry - The team investigate the history of ‘strange holes’ found in this part of the Kerry mountains. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Western Water, Part 1 (Dobhar-chu Special)" | March 31, 2020 |
22 | 22 | Lough Carra, Mayo - Kap meets up with an old friend and they venture to Lough Carra to investigate a 1969 sighting of Nessie. Lough Mask, Mayo - This lough has been compared to Lough Ness, Scotland. Kap investigates rumours of Irish-water-crocodiles in the lakes. Lionel Leslie’s 'Monster Reported in Irish Waters' is also covered. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Western Water, Part 2 (Dobhar-chu Special)" | April 7, 2020 |
23 | 23 | The team sail from Kilrush Town to Scattery Island to investigate the regular sightings of an amphibious predator that may be the legendary Catach dragon. Loophouse Lighthouse (Fodera) - The team also travel to Fodera to ask locals and workers at the lighthouse about an extroadinary monster which can be seen regularly from it. Lough Corrib, Mayo is home to an aughisky. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Western Water, Part 3" | April 14, 2020 |
24 | 24 | Loch Pibrum, Galway - Nessie (40ft in length) Lisdoonvarna Caves, Clare - The team travel to the Cliffs of Moher to find evidence of a terrifying monster seen in the caves every 2 years. Large Cave, Clare - Newspaper Story from 1923 ‘Adventure in the Cave’. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Western Water, Part 4" | April 21, 2020 |
25 | 25 | Doo Lough, Mayo - "This is the best body of water in Ireland to find true evidence of a LNM type crytid/dinosaur surviving in Irish lakes". - Kap The team take samples of water, soil and sediment. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Western Water, Part 5" | April 28, 2020 |
26 | 26 | Lough Conn, Mayo - Nessie mammal (50ft in length, 1967 sighting) |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Swamp of the Dogs" | May 5, 2020 |
27 | 27 | Carrowmore Lake, Mayo - Monstrous eels (15ft in length) Possible hoax. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Season Finale" | May 12, 2020 |
28 | 28 | The massive 27 episode long Season 1 ends with a Water-horse episode in County Sligo. The announcement of what will feature in Season 2 (2022) is also discussed in this episode. |
No. Overall | No. in Season | "Bonus - Achill Island" | May 19, 2020 |
29 | 29 | THE ACHILL ISLAND SPECIAL is only available on Blu-Ray DVD. It features: 1968 investigations; John Cooney, Michael McNulty, Gay Dever, Glendarry Lake depth, Does Sraheens Lough have an underwater cave? |